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My Name NurMukminin Hamdan, born on 12th March 1995, Live in Padang Rengas. I'm 3rd  from 6 girls' siblings.

I'm already married and have a son named Muhammad Adam Muiz bin Muhammad Aufa. My dad Hamdan Bin Abdullah as home contractor (personal) and my mom Suriyah Binti Musa, a woman with strength to face her days without parents from she still a baby. My first sis called as Along also had married, my second sis as Angah, had partner but always be secretive person.My first young sis, Achik had dead when she 3years old, but now she already 17years old. How much I missed hfer, only God know. My  young sis always be there for me to look after my son, they are Ucu and Adik which in Form 2 and Form 2 this year. By the way, I love them.. For my hubby, thanks for being a part in my life, accept my weakness, Mom....thanks for everythings from in your tummy until now, be a wife. Dad, also thanks for your tired looking for my necessary..Along,Angah,Ucu and Adik.....I always appreciate your support..Sorry for my mistakes..

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